Russ ready for the day's trek. Good weather!

Need to mail a letter? Quite a picturesque mailbox, isn't it?

A foot bridge let us cross the M7.

If you click on the picture, you can see how beautiful the wisteria was above the door.

Our guidebook said this was "a tall, octagonal, folly-tower, with arrow slits." Arrows? How old is this thing??
There was a "Steam Fair" being held in Rickerby Park.
It was much like a fair here at home. Lots of people, wandering around, eating junk food and looking at the exhibits. Lots and lots of steam engines of every kind, but also old cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and generalized old everything. Plus schlock for sale.

We walked around a bit--I enjoyed a big old caliope--then we left it behind and got back on the trail.

Just past the park we crossed the river again. Since it was Sunday afternoon, there were a lot of families and people out strolling, enjoying the beautiful weather. I guess they were used to seeing people in hiking gear with packs on their backs!

Soon we were back in the countryside.

We kept fairly close to the river, though and enjoyed the pretty wildflowers and blooming weeds growing on the banks. Plus there were a lot of what looked like, phlox. I wonder how those got there?
The river was peaceful and pleasant to walk beside. Quite a few people out even along the small path we were following. Everyone just enjoying the afternoon.

This was another short day with easy walking, so we decided to go on past our B&B and explore a little of Carlisle.

In the middle of town was an underpass leading to a park on the other side of a busy traffic circle.

It was a big park, and we sat on a bench in the sunshine and read.

We also killed some time at this pub and ate an early dinner-late lunch.
After dinner we backtracked about a mile to our B&B. http://www.cambrohouse.co.uk/ It was a clean, sunny room.
I showered while Russ went to explore where the train station and bus station were. The bus from Bowness-on-Solway (the end of the trail) would bring us back here to Carlisle to catch the train to London.