A little about me....

My photo
Hello, let me introduce myself a bit...I am a wife, a mother, a grandmother, and a retired labor and delivery room nurse of 38 years. Since retiring, my days have become mostly calm and unstructured. My Fluid Days blog is part of that life, though not updated at this time. My Hadrian's Wall Blog is the journal of our 100 mile walk across England in 2009 and again in 2010. My Dales Way Journal is about another long-distance hike we did in September of 2014. Russ, my husband and best friend for 46 years is my walking companion. He keeps me laughing and makes every day a joy.
Come with Russ and me as we walk 84 miles coast-to-coast across northern England, following the remains of Emperor Hadrian's amazing fortress....Judy


Wednesday, May 20 -- Day 5

Humshaugh to Grindon -- 10 miles

I had a good night's rest again--thanks to drugs! Breakfast was downstairs in a sunny dining room, with Mary and Peter--the couple we met last evening.

Here they are just before we all set off for the day's hike. Mary and Peter finished the walk a day or two before us, but we met up with them on the trail, further along. They are from Derbyshire, and it was nice to get acquainted.

And here is a picture they took of us with with the owner. She gave us a warm welcome, and her B&B was lovely.

The Golden Chain trees (Laburnum) were in full bloom every where we went. I am extremely fond of them and have two in our own back yard. Of all the rotten luck, my two little ones bloomed while we were on this trip, and I didn't get to see those beautiful yellow blossoms.

The weather didn't look too promising this morning with some drizzling rain early on, so we skipped some sites that I know would have been interesting. The Roman Fort at Chesters wasn't open this early in the day, also the Walled Gardens at Chollerford. We did stop briefly to get the third stamp in our ''Passports."

In its description of this particular field, our guidebook said (and I quote):
"Advance left, in a pasture adored by moles." Russ and I had a good laugh for the next few days. We kept reminding each other to be sure and look for "adoring moles." We saw evidence they'd been there, but no moles!

It stopped drizzling after awhile, and we again hiked along a variety of trails and footpaths.

Oops, couldn't resist a cool cow!

The more we climbed, the less inhabited the land seemed to be. Just a little more remote . . .

I was expecting more climbing today than we actually did and took my trusty walking stick. This was a nice stretch of the Wall.

It was nice here by the Wall, and we stopped for a snack and a short rest.

As usual, there was a pretty stiff head wind on the top of these hills, and the dark clouds began rolling in.

You can see the country is looking less populated. The farm buildings are further apart. There were some amazing views that kept us wondering where to look. It was beautiful in all directions.

After I took that last picture, it started raining and it drizzled off and on for the next several miles. By then we were tired and ready to quit for the day.

Hallelujah! There was our little B&B, the Old Repeater Station. Through the gate, around Sewingshields Farm, down the hill, and straight ahead! What a welcome sight! It could have been an un-converted barn and we wouldn't have cared. We were just glad to get out of the rain, out of the wind, and out of our soggy boots and clothes.

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